15 Top Marketing Agency Blogs You Should Be Following

Sujan Patel is the founder of Mailshake, a sales engagement software used by 38,000 sales and marketing professionals. He has over 15 years of marketing experience and has led the digital marketing strategy for companies like Salesforce, Mint, Intuit and many other Fortune 500 caliber companies.
  • February 10, 2021

As marketers, we work in a fast-moving industry. We need to be ahead of the curve on so many things, from new tools and platforms, to algorithmic changes and best practices.

On top of that, we need to stay up to date with what’s happening in our clients’ industries. How else can we claim to understand – and resolve – their business challenges?

One of the best ways to achieve all this is to regularly read marketing blogs. With that in mind, here are 15 top blogs that marketing agencies should be paying attention to, and what you can expect to learn from them.

1. Moz

Why Read It?

Moz has been the go-to resource for SEOs for close to two decades now. Originally, it was run by Moz co-founder Rand Fishkin; he would experiment with search engine optimization and write about the results.

Since then, Moz has grown into a giant of SEO thought leadership with hundreds of employees, and its content has become ever-more sophisticated, characterized by its renowned video series, Whiteboard Fridays.

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2. HubSpot

Why Read It?

Both a software provider and an authority on all things inbound, HubSpot offers a wealth of content informed by the brand’s founding belief that interrupting potential customers simply isn’t the best way to grab their attention.

As with Moz, much of its content is informed by the company’s own journey from software startup to multimillion-dollar brand. Resources are aimed at two core audiences – sales and marketing – with topics covering everything from customer retention to email marketing.

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3. Ahrefs

Why Read It?

Ahrefs offers a vast repository of SEO and general marketing resources. Its content is typically either informed by unique data, or geared toward offering detailed walk-throughs to highly specific SEO challenges. You’ll also find case studies and opinion pieces speaking to new marketing techniques and future trends.

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4. Content Marketing Institute

Why Read It?

The Content Marketing Institute’s (CMI’s) mission is to teach brands how to bring in and keep hold of customers through engaging storytelling, and its blog is a natural extension of that.

Founded by content marketing advocate Joe Pulizzi and boasting a vast network of contributors, the CMI tackles content marketing and related subjects from all possible angles. Expect to find inspiration, best practices, tutorials, and more on all types of content, from blogs to graphics to videos.

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5. Unbounce

Why Read It?

Unbounce is a Vancouver-based landing page builder and software platform. As you’d expect, the brand’s blog is all about helping marketers design, optimize, and integrate landing pages that generate traffic and leads.

Packed with data-driven and scientifically proven advice and best practices, the Unbounce blog is a must for any marketer who wants to drive stronger results from their landing pages and improve their conversion rates.

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6. Copyblogger

Why Read It?

Described by VentureBeat as the “bible of content marketing,” Copyblogger has been teaching people how to create stronger, more engaging content since 2006.

You don’t need to be a writer – or any type of content creator – to get the most out of Copyblogger. Even if you only write the occasional email or social post, it will give you invaluable tips, guidance, and strategies to bring greater impact to the words you type.

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7. Inside Google Ads

Why Read It?

The official blog of Google Ads isn’t updated every day – or even every week. But what it lacks in volume of content, it more than makes up for in impact. As a multichannel digital marketer, you simply can’t afford to ignore the people who control more than two-thirds of the US search ads market.

Topics range from updates on Google Ads products, to search trends and practical guidance aimed at brands and advertisers.

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8. Buffer

Why Read It?

The brand behind the much-loved social media management tool of the same name, Buffer has more than 73,000 customers and offers a choice of three separate blogs:

  • Flow: Their marketing blog – a showcase for strategies, stories, and trends highlighted by some of the biggest and most eye-catching brands on social media.
  • Open: Sharing company news and content about workplace culture.
  • Overflow: A look under the hood of Buffer, discussing code, engineering, and customer experience.

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9. eMarketer

Why Read It?

If you love data and statistics, eMarketer is the blog for you. The market research company publishes a constant stream of predictions and trends backed up by cold, hard numbers. It’s an invaluable tool for keeping you ahead of the curve and wowing your clients with new insights.

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10. Social Media Examiner

Why Read It?

Marketing is fast-moving at the best of times, but social media is particularly extreme. Platforms come and go, and content preferences change seemingly by the hour.

To make sense of it all, look no further than the Social Media Examiner. As well as covering news on all the big platforms, it helps marketers get more out of their organic and paid social activities through interviews with expert practitioners.

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11. Econsultancy

Why Read It?

Primarily aimed at ecommerce brands and marketers, the Econsultancy blog publishes an array of statistics, opinions, and best practice guides.

With topics ranging from data and analytics to conversion rate optimization and delivery and fulfilment, Econsultancy should definitely be in your bookmark bar if you work with a lot of ecommerce clients (or if you’re hoping to in future).

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12. SEMrush

Why Read It?

SEMrush is a SaaS product that aims to help marketers create more effective content to grow online visibility. Founded in 2008, it now offers 48 unique tools and serves more than 7 million marketers worldwide.

Despite the name, SEMrush isn’t just about search engine marketing. It also publishes articles on organic search, content marketing, social media, ecommerce, and much more.

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13. Hotjar

Why Read It?

One of the best-known heat-mapping and behavior analytics tools on the market, Hotjar primarily writes about topics related to conversion funnels and user experience.

If you want to fix your leaky sales funnel or understand why website visitors aren’t engaging with your new landing page, the Hotjar blog will likely have the solution. And if you already use Hotjar, you’ll also find invaluable resources to help you get more from the product.

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14. BigCommerce

Why Read It?

A SaaS ecommerce platform with annual revenues of more than $100 million, BigCommerce knows everything there is to know about selling online. Fortunately, it shares many of its most valuable insights via the BigCommerce blog.

Covering everything from the basics of ecommerce to advanced omnichannel sales and marketing strategies, BigCommerce offers something for all experience levels, so it’s no surprise that its weekly newsletter has attracted over 350,000 subscribers.

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15. Weidert Group

Why read it?

Weidert Group specializes in growth strategies for B2B companies, especially industrial clients in complex industries. Its holistic approach incorporates inbound marketing, sales, and service, and as an agency, Weidert Group practices what it preaches: customer focus and continuous improvement, using strategy, along with CRM and CMS tools, to support business growth.

Its content balances research with the agency’s experience, offering authoritative, easy-to-follow advice for inbound marketers who want to differentiate within an industry niche using a combination of valuable content and comprehensive, customer-focused strategies.

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