MixMax: Review, Competitors, and Alternatives

Sujan Patel is the founder of Mailshake, a sales engagement software used by 38,000 sales and marketing professionals. He has over 15 years of marketing experience and has led the digital marketing strategy for companies like Salesforce, Mint, Intuit and many other Fortune 500 caliber companies.
  • February 3, 2020

MixMax is a Gmail extension that includes productivity features for sales reps, entrepreneurs, recruiting professionals, operations pros, and customer success representatives, among others.

Unlike other similar tools, its focus is a bit more broad and isn’t concentrated solely on sales.

Some of its primary features include email tracking, automated email sequences, meeting scheduling tools, and embedded polls and surveys.

While it offers many of the same features as other platforms like Mailshake or Salesloft, it isn’t meant to be a direct competitor. Instead, it’s designed to be a productivity enhancer for small and growing teams, not a full-blown enterprise sales platform.

To this point, MixMax offers three paid plans (as well as a free plan), with the highest level dedicated to “growing teams.”

However, MixMax is trusted by a few well-known organizations in the SaaS space, including Canva and Typeform.

Overall, it can be a useful addition to a more fully-featured sales enablement platform and a good starting place for fledgling teams, but it is not designed to be a replacement for a higher-level tool.

MixMax Core Features

MixMax offers six core features:

  • Calendar sharing: MixMax allows users to share their calendars with others so that they can more easily schedule and book meetings, much like Calendly’s offering. This can cut down on some of the back and forth that’s so easy to slip into when scheduling meetings via traditional methods. Instead, you can share your calendar and your contact can choose an open timeslot to meet.
  • Polls and surveys: With MixMax, you can send polls and surveys directly in the body of your emails. When a recipient responds, their response will be recorded in a unified database. That way, you don’t have to copy and paste the text yourself – it’s all automated so you won’t lose any responses or waste time with menial tasks.
  • Email tracking: This Gmail extension displays which of your recipients viewed your emails. It also displays which locations they viewed them from as well as what devices they used.
  • Automation: MixMax helps you create automated sequences of emails and other tasks. For example, you can create an automated email sequence with follow-up emails scheduled for a week after your first email. You can also add InMail follow ups to the mix as well.
  • Integrations: MixMax syncs with popular tools, like Salesforce, Pipedrive, Zoom, and Dropbox, so that you can keep your work streamlined and unified.

Who MixMax Is For

While many tools that offer similar features to MixMax are designed specifically for sales, MixMax is a bit more domain agnostic. Although some of these tools will certainly be most useful for people in the sales sphere, MixMax markets its platform to recruiters, entrepreneurs, operations professionals, and customer success representatives.

For example, entrepreneurs can use MixMax to track whether important contacts have opened their emails or to schedule an email to be sent at the time of day that an investor is most likely to read it. In fact, MixMax can even recommend optimal send times to you.

Recruiters can use MixMax to schedule interviews with candidates more easily thanks to its scheduling features. Plus, they can use the tracking features to see who they should follow up, or use the email scheduler to plan out follow ups in advance.

And of course, MixMax can be used for sales – both by sales reps and leadership. Use automation to cut down on busy work, use the scheduler to make booking meetings easier, and use the email tracker to figure out when you should follow up.

What People Don’t Like About MixMax

Although MixMax generally has very good reviews (4.6/5 on G2), it’s not without its flaws. Some of the most common complaints are that it’s too expensive, while other users report that the interface is not user friendly and that they encounter too many bugs.

Poor customer service is another common complaint, which is never ideal but can be especially frustrating if the product often glitches.

Other users have noted that reporting features are frustrating and hard to use, which is one of the most important and valuable aspects of a tool like MixMax. Additionally, some of these features have been made irrelevant thanks to GDPR, which protects against some types of email tracking.

Mailshake: Your MixMax Alternative

Mixmax is a great light-weight tool to help with tasks related to managing and sending emails from your inbox.

However, if you’re trying to send larger campaigns to many recipients, Mailshake is a much better option for several reasons:

  • Mailshake is a standalone web app dedicated to making it easy to perform personalized outreach at scale
  • Mailshake integrates with more of your tech stack
  • Mailshake customer success is available whenever you need it to help you with the platform and with your cold outreach strategy in general

More features for bulk campaigns

As an app that’s separate from your Gmail or Outlook inbox, Mailshake has a number of advantages over Mixmax.

First, you can manage and reply to leads from within Mailshake with Lead Catcher. This allows you to keep the work you do on outreach campaigns separate from your inbox. It also helps you stay focused on just the folks who reply and are interested in your offer, and easily get rid of autoresponders, bounces, unsubscribes, and folks who aren’t interested.

Additionally, Mailshake keeps your campaigns on track by:

  1. Identifying out-of-office auto-responses
  2. Blacklisting emails that bounce, so you don’t accidentally email them again
  3. Blacklisting folks who unsubscribe by catching people who reply with phrases like “remove me” or “unsubscribe”

Mailshake also helps reduce your bounce rate by identifying emails that are likely to bounce, before you send your campaign, and giving you the option to remove them from your campaign.

Finally, you can improve the results on your campaigns by A/B testing subject lines, body copy, and even entire sequences.

The bottom line is that Mailshake is a platform dedicated to automating your cold outreach. Mixmax has some features that help you do that as well, but is missing some core functionality that makes Mailshake much more powerful.

More direct and 3rd party integrations

Mixmax has a few key direct integrations, but is missing many more that make it difficult to make Mixmax a part of your tech stack.

First, Mixmax does not integrate with Zapier. That means that the only integrations they have are the few tools that they integrate directly with. Mailshake integrates with Zapier, which means you can connect Mailshake to thousands of apps, even if we don’t have a direct integration.

Mixmax integrates directly with Salesforce and Pipedrive, neither of which are available to their first two pricing plans. Mailshake directly integrates with Salesforce, Hubspot, and Pipedrive, all of which are available to any Mailshake customer on any plan.

Mailshake also directly integrates with two other popular sales tools: Calendly and Vidyard. Our direct Calendly integration allows you to connect lead tracking within Mailshake to when a prospect books a meeting with your Calendly link.

Our direct integration with Vidyard allows you to embed videos into Mailshake campaigns and track when people click and watch the video.

Mailshake’s native and 3rd party integrations make it a much better option for most salespeople and business owners who already have a set of tools that are a part of their process.

Best-in-class customer support

A quick check of Mailshake’s G2 reviews will show one thing: our customer support and success teams are the best in the industry.

We host twice-weekly office hours, available to any customer, to hop on and get their questions answered about the Mailshake product, or their outreach strategy.

For customers on our annual or sales engagement plans, we offer a one-hour, one-on-one onboarding session with our customer success team to help you get your account set up and your strategy off the ground.

We give specific feedback on campaign copy to maximize deliverability and engagement, and work with 3rd parties to provide professional copywriting and campaign strategy support.

Mailshake is easy to use, but cold outreach is hard to master. Our customer success team is there every step of the way to make sure you’re getting the most out of the platform and the best results possible.

The Bottom Line

Mixmax is a great product for people looking for a lightweight inbox add-on and early stage email automation.

For most people, however, Mailshake:

  • Has much more powerful mail merge features
  • Integrates with your whole tech stack
  • Offers best-in-class customer success

Click here to book a demo or sign up today.

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