Is this your customer? Proper prospecting with profile enrichment

Mike Brouwer is the vice president of sales at FullContact. Mike has almost 20 years experience scaling sales organizations and driving go to market strategies. The last 10 years have been focused on early/growth stage technology companies. In 2007, Mike created a sales organization at Vertafore focused on technology within the insurance industry into a $15m line of business. In 2010 while at Rivet Software, Mike scaled revenue from $6m to $54m over a three year period. He joined FullContact in April of 2015 and is passionate about partnering with customers to achieve their business objectives. Mike is a graduate of Purdue University and continues to be a Boilermaker at heart." Interested in learning more about profile enrichment and identity resolution? Let’s chat.
  • May 9, 2018

Personas and Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP) have been implemented at companies worldwide to help sales departments create the perfect pitch to prospects. Reps are expected to pitch to who they assume their customer is — with very little insight into who they are speaking to and using information that may or may not resonate.

Or worse, their sales pitch is built on bad data — the prospect’s information is incorrect, they’ve moved on to a different company or they aren’t the person with buying power inside the organization. All too often, the data within a CRM is inaccurate or incomplete, leaving reps with no choice but to blast emails blindly in hopes that one of their messages will reach the right person.

Consider that 32% of salespeople are spending an hour or more on data entry every day. Learning everything you can about your prospect makes qualifying and prioritizing leads a smoother process overall. Imagine turning an email address, phone number or Twitter handle into a complete profile. Sounds pretty great, right?

Take advantage of identity resolution— the process of piecing together detailed professional and personal data for billions of people for a single view of an individual.

With identity resolution, you can create authentic interactions with prospects by understanding their brand and lifestyle interests along with demographic, job title and social media presence. Eliminate the guesswork and ensure you’re contacting the right person at the right company. This allows you to spend time nurturing a relationship with buyers and decision makers.

What kind of insights can you access with identity resolution? Here are just a few:

  • Lifestyle and affinities: Insights into what’s important to your prospects and customers so you can personalize and add relevancy to your conversations.
  • Social profiles: Connect email addresses to all known social handles to reach your customers how and where they prefer.
  • Employment history and job title: Shorten the sales prospecting process by identifying executives and leaders within your target companies.
  • Psychographic characteristics: Learn activities, interests, opinions, attitudes, values, and behaviors to better communicate with customers

Accelerate your sales and close more deals by using rich individual contact data to track, score and prioritize leads. Support your sales process with instant intelligence that allows you to spend less time wading through data and more time interacting with clients and making more sales.

Productive Prospecting

Did you know that 50% of sales time is wasted on unproductive prospecting? This loss of productivity means the loss of opportunities in the pipeline. Not approaching the right person within the organization or not fully understanding how to provide value is not a good first impression for your prospects.

Using profile enrichment, you can begin to create a plan of engagement using social data and insights. You can look at their preferred channels to interact with prospects when and where they want. Learning their topics of interests and affinities, you can message prospects with relevant information and provide a content journey tailored to their needs.

Identity-based prospecting enables you to:

  • Segment prospects with greater accuracy. Identify the individuals that offer the greatest return on investment and then reach out to them using precise attributable characteristics.
  • Maintain your customer experience. You can link identities across touchpoints and channels to track the customer journey and provide consistent treatment.
  • Exclude the wrong prospect from campaigns. Remove the people who don’t fit your profile to ensure the right people get the relevant message.

Learn how to execute a prospecting strategy with identity resolution here.

Prioritize and Qualify

Once you’ve got access to complete customer profiles within your CRM, you’ll be able to prioritize leads, qualify them quickly and begin closing the deal. According to a report from Inside Sales, reps can spend up to 40% of their time just looking for somebody to call. Time is money, so why waste it?

Save time and qualify potential buyers based on relevant, hyper-personalized nurture campaigns and messaging. You can segment prospects inside of your CRM to find the ones with the highest lead score based on the qualification you put in place. Create rules that automatically increase or decrease a lead score based on the value of custom field values.

For example, if company size or geography are key attributes of your target consumer, you can automatically set a score to be higher if the company size is within their desired range. You’re able to provide better leads that are ready for contact.

With profile enrichment, you can understand who your customer is to engage in a way that feels natural, authentic and personal. Connecting with prospects on a one-to-one level helps both parties understand the best way to communicate with one another in a way that provides value and pertinent information for your product or service.

Armed with complete customer data, you can be sure to speak confidently to potential customers with an effective sales pitch that’s worth their time.

Mike Brouwer is the vice president of sales at FullContact. Mike has almost 20 years experience scaling sales organizations and driving go to market strategies. The last 10 years have been focused on early/growth stage technology companies. In 2007, Mike created a sales organization at Vertafore focused on technology within the insurance industry into a $15m line of business. In 2010 while at Rivet Software, Mike scaled revenue from $6m to $54m over a three year period. He joined FullContact in April of 2015 and is passionate about partnering with customers to achieve their business objectives. Mike is a graduate of Purdue University and continues to be a Boilermaker at heart." Interested in learning more about profile enrichment and identity resolution? Let’s chat.

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